
Ohio Nursing Programs and Degrees Guide

    The following guide contains important information on the many nursing programs, including profiles of several of those programs, available to students in the state of Ohio. Students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in nursing at one of Ohio’s colleges or universities may concentrate in one of a plethora of areas, such as family nurse practitioner, nursing education, clinical nurse leader, and nurse administrator. A flexible and convenient alternative to a traditional nursing program is an online bachelor’s or master’s nursing program offered by many online universities.

    Quick Facts

    • 121 schools with nursing programs in Ohio are in our database (see below).
    • 83 colleges and universities offer associate’s degrees or certificates in nursing.1
    • 46 colleges and universities offer bachelor’s degrees in nursing.1
    • 25 colleges and universities offer master’s or advanced degrees in nursing.1
    • 2 schools ranked in Kiplinger’s Best Values in Public Colleges in 2018.2
    • 2 schools ranked in the Princeton Review’s Great Schools for Nursing Majors in 2018.3
    • 12 schools ranked in US News Best Nursing Schools: Master’s programs.4
    • 7 schools ranked in US News Best Nursing Schools: Doctor of Nursing Practice programs.4

    Top-Ranked Schools with Nursing Programs Ohio

    Kiplinger’s Best Values in Public Colleges 2018*

    • Miami University (#50 in-state, #36 out-of-state)
    • Ohio State University (#25 in-state, #24 out-of-state)

    *Institution-wide ranking.

    Princeton Review’s Great Schools for Nursing Majors 2018

    • Ohio Northern University
    • Xavier University

    US News Best Nursing Schools: Master’s

    • Case Western Reserve University (#6)
    • Ohio State University (#16 tie)
    • University of Cincinnati (#45)
    • Ursuline College (#124 tie)
    • Kent State University (#146 tie)
    • Ohio University (#155 tie)
    • Cleveland State University (#171 tie)
    • University of Akron (#171 tie)
    • University of Toledo (#183 tie)
    • Wright State University (#190 tie)
    • Cedarville University (#210 tie)
    • Mount St. Joseph University (#220 tie)

    US News Best Nursing Schools: Doctor of Nursing Practice

    • Case Western Reserve University (#7 tie)
    • Ohio State University (#21 tie)
    • University of Cincinnati (#61 tie)
    • Kent State University (#136 tie)
    • Ursuline College (#136 tie)
    • Wright State University (#142 tie)
    • University of Toledo (#152 tie)

    Continue reading to learn more about nursing programs offered in Ohio.

    NCLEX Pass Rate and Accreditation Information for Nursing Schools in Ohio

    The following table allows you to easily compare not-for-profit Ohio nursing schools on a variety of factors. Click on the arrows in the top row to sort the table. In addition to seeking a program that leads to licensure in your desired area of nursing, it’s advisable to consider accreditation as a factor in your decision. If you are considering education beyond the associate’s level, know that a degree from a school that holds accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) is a common requirement for admission to master’s degree, ADN/LVN and RN to BSN, and specialized certificate programs. You should also check to ensure that the school you are considering is approved or accepted by the Ohio Board of Nursing.

    SchoolADN or LVN ProgramBSN ProgramGraduate Nursing ProgramACEN/CCNE Accred.*NCLEX-PN First Time Pass Rate**# TakingNCLEX-RN First Time Pass Rate^# TakingNet Price^^
    Ashland UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A92.05%88$21,504
    Auburn UniversityNoYesYesNo67.74%31N/AN/AN/A
    Aultman CollegeYesYesNoACEN/CCNEN/AN/A96.72%61$18,862
    Baldwin Wallace UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A91.67%24$21,465
    Belmont CollegeYesNoNoNo68.75%1669.33%75$4,509
    Capital UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A86.76%68$22,016
    Case Western Reserve UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A86.57%67$31,356
    Cedarville UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A84.09%88$22,721
    Central Ohio Technical CollegeYesNoNoACEN82.35%1787.18%234$8,895
    Christ College of Nursing and Health ServicesYesYesNoACEN/CCNEN/AN/A65.15%132$19,970
    Cincinnati State Technical and Community College-Great OaksYesNoNoNo81.82%77N/AN/A$5,915
    Cincinnati State Technical and Community College-CincinnatiYesNoNoACENN/AN/A93.44%61$5,915
    Clark State Community CollegeYesNoNoACEN86.21%5884.68%111$5,174
    Cleveland State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A90.3%134$15,937
    Columbus State Community CollegeYesNoNoACEN94.12%3477.09%179$5,992
    Cuyahoga Community CollegeYesNoNoACEN95.45%2286.43%280$4,705
    Defiance CollegeNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/AN/AN/A$23,824
    Eastern Gateway Community CollegeYesNoNoNo92.31%1375%48$3,283
    Edison State Community CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/A86.67%60$7,766
    Franciscan UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A80%50$25,139
    Franklin UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/AN/AN/A$24,764
    Herzing University-AkronYesYesYesACENN/AN/A88.89%27$22,883
    Hiram CollegeNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A89.66%29$23,517
    Hocking CollegeYesNoNoACEN76.67%3095.71%70$9,658
    James Rhodes State CollegeYesNoNoACEN94.59%3783.59%128$8,422
    Kent State University (ADN)YesN/AN/AACENN/AN/A87.03%239$18,531
    Kent State University (BSN)N/AYesYesCCNEN/AN/A90.02%461$18,531
    Kettering College (ADN)YesN/ANoNoN/AN/A100%2$18,939
    Kettering College (BSN)N/AYesNoACENN/AN/A90.91%66$18,939
    Lakeland Community CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/A82.20%118$8,145
    Lorain County Community CollegeYesNoNoACEN93.33%6089.03%155$2,996
    Lourdes UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A76.83%82$18,657
    Malone UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A81.08%37$19,972
    Marion Technical CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/A94.74%57$7,743
    Mercy College of Ohio (ADN)YesN/AN/AACENN/AN/A90.91%121$16,744
    Mercy College of Ohio (BSN)N/AYesNoCCNEN/AN/A87.67%73$16,744
    Miami UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A77.46%71$11,371
    Mount Carmel CollegeNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A92.58%229$14,524
    Mount St. Joseph University (BSN)NoYesN/ACCNEN/AN/A82.61%46$18,140
    Mount St. Joseph University (MSN)NoN/AYesCCNEN/AN/A86.15%65N/A
    Mount Vernon Nazarene UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A66.67%33$19,442
    Muskingum UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A100%13$19,005
    North Central State CollegeYesNoNoACEN100%983.87%62$4,243
    Northwest State Community CollegeYesNoNoACEN100%4792.16%51$8,534
    Notre Dame CollegeNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A78.26%23$19,774
    Ohio Christian UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/AN/AN/A$14,952
    Ohio Northern UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A100%21$23,355
    Ohio State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A91.98%237$18,502
    Ohio University (ADN)YesN/AN/AACENN/AN/A79.06%191$20,560
    Ohio University (BSN)N/AYesYesCCNEN/AN/A82.47%97$20,560
    Ohio University-ChillicotheYesYesNoNoN/AN/A100%13$9,358
    Ohio University-Southern CampusYesYesNoNoN/AN/A94.44%18$9,256
    Ohio University-ZanesvilleYesYesNoNoN/AN/A79.07%43$8,113
    Otterbein UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A91.38%58$24,538
    Owens Community CollegeYesNoNoACEN100%3092.31%195$6,093
    Shawnee State University (ADN)YesN/AN/AACENN/AN/A76.56%64$13,945
    Shawnee State University (BSN)N/AYesNoACENN/AN/A100%6$13,945
    Sinclair Community CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/A74.83%151$5,302
    Southern State Community CollegeYesNoNoACEN100%2482.93%41$6,772
    Stark State CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/A86.29%124$7,268
    Terra State Community CollegeYesNoNoACENN/AN/A86.49%37$6,270
    University of AkronNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A85.48%186$16,423
    University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College (ADN)YesN/AN/AACENN/AN/A57.97%69$11,692
    University of Cincinnati (BSN)N/AYesYesCCNEN/AN/A82.42%256$20,141
    University of Mount UnionNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
    University of Rio GrandeYesYesNoACENN/AN/A79.57%93$28,968
    University of Toledo-Bowling Green State University Consortium ProgramNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/A78.46%65$14,911
    University of Toledo (BSN)NoYesN/ACCNEN/AN/A82.53%166$14,911
    University of Toledo (MSN)NoN/AYesCCNEN/AN/A84.62%26N/A
    Urbana UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/AN/AN/A$16,720
    Ursuline CollegeNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A77.27%88$15,034
    Walsh UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A88.89%90$19,508
    Washington State College of OhioYesNoNoNo87.5%2496.15%26$6,298
    Wittenberg UniversityNoYesNoCCNEN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
    Wright State UniversityNoYesYesCCNEN/AN/A85.96%114$13,172
    Xavier University (BSN)NoYesN/ACCNEN/AN/A86.36%66$27,591
    Xavier University (MSN)NoN/AYesCCNEN/AN/A84.38%32N/A
    Youngstown State UniversityNoYesYesACENN/AN/A88.54%96$11,135

    *The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accredits ADN/ASN/BSN programs. The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accredits BSN/MSN/DNP programs.5,6
    **NCLEX-PN pass rates reported are for first-time undergraduates testing between January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.7 You can compare these pass rates to the national average through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
    ^NCLEX-RN pass rates reported are for first-time undergraduates testing between January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.7 You can compare these pass rates to the national average through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
    ^^The National Center for Education Statistics calculates net price from the total estimated cost of attendance, including includes tuition, books, room and board, and other expenses, for in-state students minus the average financial aid award (such as grants and scholarships).

    Schools in Ohio with Nursing Degrees

    Associate’s in Nursing Programs

    Washington State College of Ohio
    Located in Marietta, Washington State College of Ohio (WSCO) offers an associate degree nursing program leading to an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing. The program is sequenced and requires five semesters to complete, though an advanced placement track is available for licensed practical nurses that can allow program completion within three to four semesters. Program graduates are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN, which is required for state licensing. Past WSCC nursing program cohorts have consistently scored above state and national averages on the NCLEX-RN. ADN graduates are also prepared to continue their studies by pursuing a baccalaureate nursing degree.

    Clark State Community College
    Clark State Community College is home to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Registered Nursing program that allows students to take the required nursing courses during evening and weekend hours. The program emphasizes patient-centered care and evidence-based practice. Required courses include Behavioral Health Nursing, Children-Family Nursing, and Anatomy and Physiology. The AAS program at Clark State Community College is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing and is approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing. Clark State Community College has developed articulation agreements with several four-year colleges and universities that can make it easier for associate’s degree graduates to transfer credits towards a bachelor’s degree in nursing.

    Bachelor’s in Nursing Programs

    Kent State University
    Kent State University affords undergraduates the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at its Geauga, Kent, Salem, Stark, and Trumbull campuses. The first two years of the program are dedicated to completing general college coursework in math, science, psychology, and basic nursing. The final two years consist of nursing curriculum in assessment and communication in nursing, nutrition, parents and newborn nursing, and nursing of the critically ill. The nursing department also offers an online program for current registered nurses, allowing them to earn a BSN through the RN to BSN program. Interested BSN students may want to visit the campus to learn more about the nursing program at one of the university’s regular academic tour days.

    Cleveland State University
    Cleveland State University features a traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program that generally takes five years to complete. Students first complete prerequisite courses, which takes between one and two years, before entering the nursing major. The nursing curriculum, which consists of 69 credits, requires three years to complete. Nursing majors will gain hands-on experience through mandatory practicums and will take such courses as medical-surgical nursing, nursing research, pediatric nursing, maternal newborn nursing, and health assessment. Students with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing may opt for the accelerated BSN program while the RN to BSN caters to current registered nurses who already hold an associate’s degree in nursing.

    Master’s in Nursing Programs

    Ohio State University
    Ohio State University’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program features a hybrid format, with students able to take the majority of nursing classes online. Some classes, however, must be completed on campus. Students choose between such specialties as nursing science, clinical nurse leader, clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner, and nursing and health system management. The graduate program is divided into three parts: core coursework, specialty courses, and clinical practicums. Core curriculum encompasses leadership in advanced nursing, scientific thought in nursing, graduate nursing informatics, and advanced health assessments. Successful applicants to the program must already have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and possess a current registered nurse’s license.

    Ohio University
    Ohio University allows graduate students to pursue a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) online or on campus in Athens. The MSN offers concentrations in acute care nurse practitioner, family nurse practitioner, nurse administrator, and nurse educator. Students must complete core courses prior to beginning the concentration-specific coursework. Graduate students must complete clinical practicums totaling a minimum of 650 hours. Individual clinical practicums generally span 14 or 15 weeks. Students must find and secure their own practicums, which could take up to six months. Successful applicants must possess a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and have a current registered nurse’s license.

    Student Reviews

    Note: Student Reviews are based on the experiences of a few individuals and it is unlikely that you will have similar results. Please review the “Data, Student Reviews and Other Information” section in our Terms of Use and Disclaimers.

    Cuyahoga Community College
    2900 Community College Ave
    Cleveland, OH 44115
    (800) 954-8742

    Student Review: “My experience within Cuyahoga Community College’s ADN nursing program has been one that has been both challenging and satisfying, as well as confusing and full of misinformation. During the first semester of the program, I found the material to be challenging, particularly since I did not have experience in the healthcare field, and was still insecure with my scientific knowledge, as well as not sure if I had made the right decision. But, by the middle of the semester, I really started enjoying both my clinical experience and began to get a solid comprehension of the material which I was being taught. I passed the first semester courses with flying colors and knew that I had made the right decision. But, the entire vibe of the program changed during the second semester. I did not anticipate any hand-holding, but the methods of teaching, as well as the examination techniques. From my understanding, there is a large instructor turnover during the second semester because instructors are not comfortable with the way that material is taught. The course with the largest credit load has an 80% fail rate, and there is no support as far as tutoring, with either the instructors teaching the course or the tutoring staff. People who run into extenuating circumstances, like myself (with a parent becoming ill, and becoming the sole guardian), there is no lee-way or anyone to speak with, even to vent frustration. I anticipate repeating the course next semester, like the other 90% of my classmates. We currently have an 80% fail rate, and will be lucky if 17 out of 75 people will graduate “on time.” Anyone entering the program must make sure that they stay on top of their coursework BEFORE the semester starts, and try to prevent ANYTHING from getting in the way during the semester. The program is a great idea, but has terrible execution.” – Student at Cuyahoga Community College

    Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
    375 Dixmyth Ave
    Cincinnati, OH 45220
    (513) 862-2631

    Student Review: “I attended GSH College of Nursing from 2013-2014 for my BSN. I have decided to stay on for their MSN Family Nurse Practitioner program. I actually really like it! I love the asynchronous classes and no group projects. It has made my dream for more education a reality because I can have a really good work/life balance. I attended another online school which was way less organized than GSN. So I am happy. I see other reviews that put down the teachers for not being qualified to teach. I think online schools are set up more for independent learning (in many ways). I feel I get out of it what I put in. I probably spend around 20 hours a week for one class. I do all the reading and take the time to personally invest in my own learning. I know we have a nursing educator shortage. I’m grateful for those who are willing to teach us. I’m very grateful!!!! Perhaps they are not as qualified as professors in other fields. I try to ask questions when I need to and find my own answers when I need to. Some professors are better than others. Maybe one day professors will get paid enough so that those with a passion for teaching will be attracted to our field.” – Student at Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science

    University of Akron
    302 E Buchtel Ave
    Akron, OH 44325
    (330) 972-7111

    Student Review: “I attended the University of Akron as soon as I graduated high school. It was a wonderful experience from dealing with my advisers to dealing with the professors. Every professor I had enjoyed his job and had passion in teaching his students. Any questions I had about nursing, current and future employment they were just a phone call or email away. What I remember most is how I first struggled with antimony and my one professor in particular really helped me understanding the curriculum and took extra time out of his day to make sure I could move forward. I also had friends that were in the nursing program as well as different university and they ended up switching to Akron because of the hands-on experience they gave.” – Student at University of Akron

    1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
    2. Kiplinger’s Best Values in Public Colleges: https://www.kiplinger.com/tool/college/T014-S001-best-college-values-college-finder/index.php#Tile
    3. The Princeton Review. The Best 382 Colleges, 2018 Edition. New York, Penguin Random House, 2018.
    4. US News Top Graduate Nursing Schools: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-nursing-schools
    5. Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN): http://www.acenursing.us/accreditedprograms/programSearch.htm
    6. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE): https://directory.ccnecommunity.org/reports/accprog.asp
    7. Ohio Board of Nursing: https://nursing.ohio.gov/licensing-and-certification/types-of-applications/licensure-by-examination-nclex